New for Nuix Neo v1.4

The following features and capabilities have been added to Nuix Neo in this release.

Improved interaction with data sources 

Microsoft CDS (Condensed Data Structure) is the recommended approach for extracting Microsoft Teams data. This release of Nuix Neo introduces support for Microsoft CDS and automates the entire process of capturing Microsoft Teams data to ensure consistent and defensible workflows.  

We have made significant improvements to the types of data that you bring into Nuix Neo. For example, we've improved our capability to gather more data from Google Vault via "Smart Links," ensuring a holistic view of your data.  

Also in this release, we have introduced a "search ahead” capability for ingesting SharePoint sites using the Microsoft365 connector. This enhancement reduces the time and expense necessary to download large amounts of data and manually comb through it before ingesting it into the system. 

Enhanced support for non English Languages  

In this release, Nuix Neo includes several enhancements to our non-English language capabilities, including improved OCR handling in Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Hebrew texts. Enabling multiple languages in OCR processing enhances accuracy and efficiency, which makes it a valuable feature when your data includes multilingual documents.   

Support has been added to the Nuix Neo Investigate functionality for French, Italian, and Spanish, in addition to the already supported German and Japanese.  This improvement allows for more efficient and intuitive interaction for reviewers/investigators with different native languages. 

Additionally, you can now harness the power of Natural Language Processing (NLP) in Spanish and German, giving even more users the ability to leverage our cutting-edge technology, tailored for intelligent data processing and automated contextualization of complex content. 

Streamlined review and analysis features 

We have made several updates in this release to save you time and provide you with an optimal user experience. When reviewing data in Nuix Neo Investigate, an investigative review functionality within Nuix Neo, the preview and metadata panels can now be viewed side by side.   

This configuration allows the reviewer to review metadata or NLP values in the actual item preview without flipping back and forth between panels, saving reviewers and investigators valuable time. Additionally, the Nuix Investigate functionality now supports redaction of chat messages and text files within the Investigate tool itself. 

Finally, we have added the ability to display, print, and extract metadata from Microsoft PowerPoint Comments.  For Microsoft Excel documents, we have added a new field that indicates if a document contains track changes. Given that Excel’s track changes content can slow down item processing, however, we have also made it possible to skip extraction of track changes from Excel worksheets.  These enhancements allow investigators to access more information without having to use an outside third-party program. 

NLP improvements 

Nuix Neo’s NLP functionality now offers smoother integration with the overall Nuix Neo experience. The enhancements in this release allow for a single point of access to Neo features and seamless transition between screens using Single-Sign-On.